Featured Products

The Hero Kit

Birthday Bash Bin

Activity Mat (blue)

Ice Cream

Mermaid Travel Sensory Kit

Activity Mat (Pink)

Spring Reader Mini Book

Beach Sensory Bin

Shark Sensory Kit

Ocean Unit

Shark Travel Bin

Letter Mats
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My kids absolutely love these sensory bins! It keeps my little one engaged and even better, learning. These bins are so versatile, you can do so much! We've been practicing our counting and colors. Best fun, hands on educational toy out there!
- Anna M.
Can't believe how much fun my daughter is having with her new sensory bin! She keeps asking for her "sandbox." It's self contained for easy cleanup, and kept her engaged both inside and outside. 5 stars!
- Rachel M.
I have ordered multiple sensory bins because we love them so much. I appreciate the presentation and attention to detail Camille puts in these. They come perfectly packaged with a personal note, instructions, and educational play ideas. Definitely recommend!
- Yasna P.