Travel Activities for Kids

Traveling with kids is A LOT of work! We’ve all been there with crying, whiny, and tired children wishing we had “a vacation after the vacation.” We’ve told ourselves we would find activities to keep the kids entertained for the next time we travel. But, who has time for that when we have a family to pack for? Therefore, I have rounded up all of my favorite travel activities with direct links from Amazon to help save you time and energy. I hope you find things on this list to make your travel experience more enjoyable!
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One of our most used travel activities are the Melissa & Doug On The Go Water Wow We use these everywhere! I highly recommend these! Your kids will love them!
Here is a shameless plug but I have to share it because we LOVE our Endless Imagination Travel Kits There are different themes to choose from! We have a Dino theme, a construction site theme, trucks, ice cream, and a beach theme. You can even send us an email for a custom theme! We bring these everywhere and it even keeps the girls entertained at the restaurants!
We also enjoy the Write- and- Wipe boards.
The Create- A - Face Sticker Pad is so much fun! You can create so many different funny faces!
Draw and write on this compact Writing Tablet
We leave some Poke-A-Dot Books in the car.
The Crayola Doodle Board is a good travel activity for the car.
STICKERS! We bring stickers everywhere. You can never go wrong with bringing stickers and Melissa & Doug Puffy Reusable Stickers Pet Shop is one of our favorite ones!
Go on a scavenger hunt with Highlights Hidden Pictures
These suction cup balls were a hit with my toddler on the plane! She would stick them to the window and pull them off over and over again.
Traveling with a little one? These Suction Cup Spinner Toys are perfect to put on the window on the plane!
We love to make pictures, letters, and numbers with WikkiStix
Add some Squigz on the window on the plane or even in the car!
I love to bring this Kids Camera and let the girls take their own pictures. It is such a cute way for them to remember the vacation.
Always bring Headphones
SNACKS! SNACKS! SNACKS! Did I say snacks? Lol I never leave the house without them! I love this Snack Box. We only use it when we travel so that it is something new and exciting for the girls to eat snacks from.
Worried about using the bathroom while traveling? This Travel Potty has saved my life many times! It is perfect to keep in the car.
I hope you found something on this list that works for you and your family!